Journey Day 472 | CDT Day 135
I was back on the trail, hiking in juniper and pinon, in New Mexico.
Up feeling pretty strong, I call Dr. Don after a ham and egg omelette breakfast and shower, (probably my last for a few days). Down to the post office with boxes, check for better maps, but it's obvious I'll be going alone. Our group meets in the Double Hackle tackle and map shop, where none are going to make it better. We learn of a fence on the Tierra Amarilla Grant. Also talk with an old carpenter retired from Houston. Hoof it back to the hotel. Part upset at their unwillingness to hike with me. Suggest they should go home before walking the road. Downtown again, get fuel and my third orange vest, having lost one on the Rio Grande, another along Silver Creek. Headed to clinic for giardia lamblia article when Dr. Don pulls up, carries me to Cumbres Pass. We talk of Midland-Odessa, medicine. He's frequented the same haunts, watched same bands. He drops me at the train depot, the highest in the U.S.
I'm alone following Wolf's proposed route south. I walk tracks from the station, down to Cumbres Creek, find trail, which turns to jeep trail over to a good road that climbs back toward New Mexico Pass. Texas hunters, hike to crossroads where I take a break. Pass more hunters as I ascend to plateau with excellent views in all directions. Along creek, push to spot in the woods near a side creek. Getting dark as I pitch, cook. Dark as I finish, crash after first hiking day in three. Coyotes call.