Journey Day 442 | CDT Day 105
View from Argentine Pass, 1987.
Hike on up road in early morning, nearly pass turn-off. I ask guy in tent by mine, he says it’s the right way, so we hike up, short bushwhack, on up jeep road until break out into basin below Argentine Pass. Amazed as a train of four-wheelers pass us, but find multitudes into the fad. We walk on up, I push ahead, make windy, cold pass long before others. Try to take break, nearly leave hat, talk with Vermont native about the trail ahead. After quick reunion, I hike down old toll road, thin in spots, pass Denver weekenders, break at creek in the basin below Seven Sisters. Beautiful surroundings...
Storm clouds from Argentine Pass.
Long break ends, shoot some mining shots, catch the gang on break, we hike on out to road, quickly catch ride from Frisco brattisserie owner, friend to campground, pitch in failing daylight.