Journey Day 409 | CDT Day 72
Admiring the Wyoming Big Sky in 1987.
Up about 6:30 a.m., we struggle against the desire to stay out of the bad weather, pack and head over to settle up, say goodbye. Get bill to pay later, cup of coffee, names of Jackson Hole newspaper editors from Cooper, leaving when a great goodbye scene develops. We take pictures of the lodge, guests, they take them of us, many cameras and video. Finally off, shoot Bernie Kelly with horses, around the lake and back to the trail.
V Lake, Diamond Lake, then steady climb back to excellent high country at Big Sandy Lake. Little rain after early sleet, but it's cold, especially when clouds block the sun. Good climb on vague to nonexistent trail up to Deep Lake, amazingly beautiful at the foot of East Temple Peak, a wonderland of rocky ridges, glacial signatures. Two guys just ahead when I get to bench and drop gear for lunch in this amazing setting. Chilly, windy, so hike on even higher up near Temple Lake. I fall behind as I gawk. Lose others' route, choose my own which takes me on a talus contour above their route. Occasional hazard, but I'm to the pass sooner, where we sit and gawk some more.
Down thin trail to Frozen Lakes, then to Little Sandy Creek which we follow on vague trail through blow downs, eventually to turn off up the ridge where the canyon closes up.
Stop, pitch, eat as chill hits. Finishing update as the sun goes down and darkness sets in. I think I'm soon to be asleep.