Journey Day 401 | CDT Day 64
there were views of the Wind River Range from the Roaring Forks Basin in 1987.
Another morning of frozen boots and tent, frost covers the ground. I eat a granola bar (my last one from Jack) and hike away after taking down camp in freezing shade that leaves my fingers aching and rigid. Long walk down trail through Roaring Forks Basin, high grass wets legs partially protected by gaiters. Find jeep road after alternately finding, losing route following Roaring Fork. Follow until I realize I'm descending into the Green River Valley on the wrong side of the Roaring Fork, now running wildly through a thin crack in a rocky ridge. Rather than walk back and look for Wolf's ford, drop steeply and cross in deep crack, river deep and strong, but short ford.
Up the other side, I quickly find a cattle trail that takes me through aspen forest down to chamisa of the valley. Follow river, consider and begin fording it, but think better of it and begin long, agonizing walk on the wrong side of the river, as vehicles travel toward the post office drop in Cora. Eventually get to a bridge, cross with excellent view of the mountains making the Cirque of the Towers before Lower Green Lake. Pass a New Mexican couple with a child, who once lived in Madrid, NM. Hike on into parking lot. No luck with those in the lot, though nice to talk to. Into the campground, where I meet a couple from Chicago. Talk of hike as he feeds me beef sticks, coke, fruit. Works at the 950 Club in Chicago. Gives me a can of chunky soup to eat in the parking lot, while agreeing to give me a ride if I'm unsuccessful in finding one by the time they finish their hike.
Eat soup, double instant breakfast, go back for water, more talk with couple. Eat tamales from a can, turn down a ride in a cap with a dog, have one on the line with Minneapolis group when a couple from West Virginia shows up and rearranges their car to fit me and my pack in. Make the post office, nice postmistress takes care of me as it closes. Letters, including a photo of Christian Alvarado in wilderness. Organize outside on the porch, no store, only a post office in antique ambiance, historic building. Postmistress takes me to the Green River Dude Ranch after calling about prices for me. Feeds her horse, then she and friend drive me to the ranch.
Meet Peggy who sells me on a shower, which I enjoy, meeting her daughter Becky before and after, playing hide and seek. Over to the restaurant, I munch a large burrito plate and pineapple upside down cake with ice cream. Lyle agrees to let me camp in the yard. We're talking when Gene, Dick, etc. from Milwaukee come in, so I hike out, talk with Swiss working in Peru, visiting in conjunction with international potato conference. Also Becky buzzing around as I pitch and talk. Head to phone, call Leonard's mom. Way not home. Back over, take Peggy Becky's crayons and coloring book, head to the bar. Join Dick and Gene (building a dream house up Boulder Creek Road). Also Becky and a wrangler. Talk a bit, Peggy comes in. Funny fellows, we end up there until 3 a.m. Gene, Lyle and I discussing physics, they championing limits, I saying there are none. Later drunk crash after beers and half and halfs (amaretto and Grand Marnier).