Journey Day 389 | CDT Day 52
Taking a break along a jeep track in Idaho in 1987.
Early rising, we're past Mule Meadow quickly and descend (without one disagreement about route) through forest to logged area, where we lose the trail, but wind up out at a road, which we follow.
Shortly afterward a bull moose breaks from a concealed bog area and we're all thrilled. Soon see cows (think bears), take a hot walk down road with sun glaring off our back and up from the gravel surface.
We're quickly at the trail, take a long break before resuming hot road walk. See a young buck, walk past logged areas, occasional campsite breaking pine monotony.
Clear cut forest along the Continental Divide Trail.
Come to junction, break, then bushwhack by guidebook, fumble through the brush, eventually find our way to the pass and take a long break. Hike down through beautiful meadow with views to the peak ahead, then down to a creek spot.
I put it down under stars at the site, others slightly away. Cook, read, update with mosquitoes harassing. Ready for morning, long hike. The next day we head into Mack's Inn.