Journey Day 343 | CDT Day 6
Carl Ownby crossing a snowfield.
After a good night's rest, I'm last out of my tent. Make my way to cooking area, cook big pasta breakfast, with others leaving before I'm done cleaning up. My performance over Triple Divide Pass has convinced them I should give them a head start. So I do, but catch, then hike through valley leading to Pittamikan Pass. Catch them at Morning Star Lake break, take lead as Laurie and Leonard stand at beginning of ascent, checking out breathtaking scenery. Lakes on either side of ridge carrying us to pass.
Another switchbacking climb after wandering through snowfields. Wind picks up and it's cold at top. I stop, shoot photos, eat and watch anti-social day hiker head to lookout. Take photos and get Laurie and Leonard on final ridge, then climb to overlook, with nice wildflowers on ascent and descent. Also look at Divide, lakes below, valley to Two Medicine Lakes.
See others leave as I head back down. Quick, rocky descent to what seems like another world - fallen trees, dry and hot. The wind stopped and the sun burned.
Catch Carl as he scoops water from tiny pool. Catch Leonard and Laurie at break. They go ahead - Carl and I sit awhile, then hike on. I stop and talk to trail crew who have promised Leonard lodging for us at East Glacier. I then talk with lone hiker headed into the mountains we've just left.
Hike on as clouds gather, rain possible. But none to come, it's just hot and rocky, nothing to see to Dry Fork Creek. From here, climb back up to ridge for climb leading to Two Medicine. Hot, hard push. Knee acting up, strength failing. Finally there.
Leonard and Laurie waiting on picnic bench. We wait for Carl, discuss strategy, finally learn answers from young campers and head toward entrance. Realize need bear box, so Leonard and Laurie go to ranger station. Carl and I eat after I buy fuel from U. Calgary geologist. Leonard and Laurie back with beer, info, ranger said we're first over the passes to her knowledge. Finish meal as mosquitoes become outrageous. Join others at camp, paved spot pisses me off in my tent raising. But I eventually get it up, escape mosquito swarm and retire to shelter. Read more of Oddysey, then journalize. Time to sleep, if other campground happenings will allow.