Journey Day 31 | PCT Day 31
Keith and the California boys on Mt. Baden-Powell
Awaken for hike up Mt. Baden-Powell, named for the founder of the Boy Scouts. California Boys pass our site at Lamel Spring and we agree to meet on top. Tough hiking up, snow obliterating much of the trail, so I climb almost vertically to the peak. Amazing views of cities below on one side, all the way to the ocean on the coastal side and a replay of all the ranges we’d hike through to the south. San Gabriels, San Jacintos, San Gorgonios and San Bernardinos.
With our new friends, we rest though most of the day at the summit, celebrating and talking of what has passed. We also make plans to meet at Yosemite. Neil Young playing as our paradise is lost to a massive bug attack. The sun bakes our skin and gear. We agree to escape to a better spot or do some extended hiking.
Hike through beautiful forests along the Angeles Crest. Slow hiking. I’ve been feeling rundown the past few days, either wearing down or letting down in anticipation of our Malibu break.
Taking a break near Windy Gap, when a man and a dog without any gear come up the side of the ridge where there is no trail. We provide first aid supplies for poor pooch’s torn paw. They have no maps. They leave after we direct them to the nearest road junction.
We hike on to Little Jimmy Campground. We celebrate with the California Boys’ tunes and marvel at Keith’s tarp design.