Journey Day 214 | AT Day 37

Arten and Jonan Repass welcomed us onto their porch.

Arten and Jonan Repass welcomed us onto their porch.

Up slowly, we walk down trail, through a small farm community on a road to a highway-stop restaurant. Breakfast, snacks, phone calls at Exxon. Through private cow pasture into national forest, hike in big heat to Davis Path Shelter.
Long break, then push on down to Reed Creek, take a break, soak feet with Andy. Climb on up Walker Mountain, then into the valley. Hot roadwalk past farms. Arten and Jonan Repass have us up to their porch. Mountain Dew and shade, nice folks. We walk on, Tom Jackson from Yonkers, N.Y., walks up, we hike down to trailhead as he tells us how he walked back to Damascus from Deep Gap Shelter and updates us on those hiking behind us. Hike up to Knot Mole Shelter, fun night, plentiful water.

Luciana Diehl

Graphic & Web Designer based in Brooklyn - NYC

Journey Day 213 | AT Day 36


Journey Day 215 | AT Day 38