Journey Day 179 | AT Day 2
Pitched near the fire station in Suches, Georgia.
Fairly early start gets us up tough climb early, though they just keep coming. Near peak of Sassafras Mountain, we take a nice break. Jack's dragging on the climbs. To be expected.
Meet three day hikers. Less water, but take long chug break on Justus Creek after climbing this steep-sided peak. Then hike on, past Gooch Shelter, where Jack perched. Meet at road, catch ride from Tony Coppage of Atlanta, who's there with his nephew. We ride down to Suches in his flatbed with his dog. Woman at store no help. Short tour, we stop at a bike camp.
Owner not home, we move to the store. Remember Philosopher's Guide reference. Call Miners: Jim Ruth, Amy and Bruce take us to volunteer fire department hall, short rap, then laundry, dinner at house. They're living well in the backwoods. Have lived all over. Back at fire department, watch some TV, rap with Jim, crash in field next to fire department.