Journey Day 113 | PCT Day 113
Logging was everywhere as we hiked north toward Seiad Valley, California.
Up early from spot, hike up across logged areas. Up over peak to creek, outlet of Bighorn Lake. Shortly before, come upon a small dog. Hope to meet master, but never see master or dog again. Would like to talk to someone for a short while, although hiking alone is very nice, relaxing.
Nice peaks, but logging everywhere is a permanent scar. Rocky granite ridge walking, more up, then down. Nice views.
Stop at Blake Fork for water, the heavy necessity, one of the few restrictions I feel. Move up granite ridge. Great views. Wild rock formations top ridge. See perfect lunch spot, hike to it, eat and update at windy curve, apparently at the top of a climb.
Still thoughts of deadline in Seiad Valley cloud away utopia. I feel very peaceful. If I don’t get out of there ‘til Monday, so what? Guy yesterday told me post office closed Friday afternoon. Only a Good Samaritan postmaster keeps me from waiting ‘til Monday.
From lunch spot, as guidebook says, lose views to forest, long forest walk. More saddles with views between more ridge walking.
Pass on Payne’s Lake Creek, heading for Etna Summit. Having learned from experience, stop for good water from “headwaters in glacial bowl.” Short break, then onward. Hard hiking, walk on ‘til make Etna Summit and its gravel road. Again I dropped to the summit.
After feeling a bit worn, get energy rush and climb up a ridge, across road, leaving Etna Summit behind. Keep walking up, watching setting sun. Delight with added miles, but no spots in sight either. Several times almost stop, but it’s all rocks and upgrades. Stop where a logged forest meets saddle, rocks. As setting up, realize a campsite is a few feet away. Probably a logging camp. Set up, cook on a temperamental stove. Crash…