Journey Day 111 | PCT Day 111
Mt. Shasta was a continued presence as I hiked alone north toward Oregon.
Sleep late in bivy as cold makes for comfort. From spot, hike upon misleading marker (looks like PCT but it’s not). I make right decision.
Slow getting going, but I’m motivated to walk long after getting water. Downhill walking along logged forest ridges. Boring hiking down across rocky ridges, through forests. Logging everywhere. Take short lunch, move on across unsightly ridges. Little good water, even springs drying up. Cowpies abound. After much ridge walking on naked, hot trails down, reach junction to Grouse Creek Trail (old temporary PCT, it turns out).
Wanting out of this “nature rape” scene, hike down logged-over trail, past cow-populated creek. Road uphill, curving past little lake. Doe and fawn eye me in the road, prance off. Tired hiking along road, putting off water. Passing lake encourages me. Walk on after short break.
Come upon highway over Scott Mountain Summit. Cross PCT, keep to road out to highway. Almost walk past campground, no paved road. Hike in, but no water from faucets. Thought alone, but jeep camper Dave, a San Francisco airline mechanic, also there. Gives me beer, then another. Fruitless search for moving creek. He drives me down the road, we find the creek. I tank up on water, find bike hiker. Tell him about the water. He joins in camp, heads out for water.
Dave comes back. I have third beer, from biker. Dave brings me a fourth. I munch big meal. Dave and I talk. Biker and friends set up camp. They’re from UC Santa Clara area. Have come 60 miles by bike, me about 22 by feet.
Dave heads out as I get tired. Talk with bikers, eat their carrots. Sleep under stars. Awaken to deer in our camp. It’s not disturbed by my awakening.