Journey Day 494 | CDT Day 157
I dodged sinkholes in the lava crust.
Struggle with cold gear, icy tent, but head into Malpais with the sun out. Follow cairns, posts across lava, spot and talk briefly with hunter. Soon lose trail, decide to head southeast into a hot, shiny sun. Down to shorts quickly. Tough going, but what a change. Avoid sinkholes, walk through gullies, wild cuts, look for plates of lava with long runs unimpeded. Occasional island of grass, trees, but mostly lava with trees.
Looking back, it appeared to be heavy forest, but the lava was predominant as I hiked south.
Looking back, ahead, it appears to be heavy forest, but when amidst the lava is predominant, with trees, scrub providing a natural obstacle course.
Kick hole in right boot's toe, rugged going, good views to Mt. Taylor, Gallo. Also the Narrows ahead get progressively closer. Break, wonder on progress, but Narrows loom close, eventually see road. Still takes some doing, occasional cairns spotted. Flip pack over barbed wire fence, climb over, begin walk along Route 117. Cars fly by periodically. Hitch, hunter out scouting picks me up, gives me a ride, drops me by a windmill, where I munch, entertain cows.
Hot day. I resume roadwalk. Quickly picked up by guy, two girls doing "God's work". They drive me to the intersection. Quickly I'm back on the road as the sun fades. Vehicles pass, push to King Brothers Ranch. End up camping across from entrance in an open pasture, wild stars, trucks passing, cook and eat in fading light, and crash. Photo red cone with sunset.